

Monday, October 3, 2011

Halloween At Shirlmar

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays.  The fun part is dressing up, and seeing what others are wearing.  As kids, Heather and Adam dressed up every year.  Here are just a few examples. 

Heather at 19 months.  She loves it, even though she probably didn't know the significance.

The following year in a costume her Grandmother made.  As you will see, it was recycled as Adam's costume later on.

Yep, there he is entranced by Kristie's hat.  Big sister, Heather usually wanted to be a princess, dancer or other fashionable lady.  In this picture is also another neighbor, Kenny.

Sure enough, here she is as a princess with little brother Smurf in attendance.

Then, along comes Madonna, and the Karate Kid, and my kids are transformed!

Oh Oh----then along comes future husband, Jason, and she's a princess once again.

I must end with a few words about Adam's artwork.  He constructed this haunted house on his own, and it had all of the elements, including bats that flew out the windows.  He always amazed me with his designs.

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