

Saturday, August 20, 2011


I had the pleasure of babysitting for Maddie and Reese for three days last week!  I am one tired puppy.  But seriously, I just love them to pieces.  When have I ever gotten to "play" all day long???  I play school with Maddie, and all of her dolls and stuffed animals are the students.  We have a flag, calendar, maps and a pointer with a hand on it.  This is a far cry from when I played school when I was her age.  I remember feeling lucky if we had some paper, pencils and crayons.

Here I am with my huge babydoll, along with my cousins MaryAnn (oldest), Carol (middle) and Geraldine at the celebration of her First Holy Communion.  We all spent a lot of time together, and playing school was at the top of the list.  We also loved paper doll cutouts.  Girls these days don't know what they are missing!

Here I am again, about age 6, with my friend Janie from next door when we lived in Chicago.  She was another school playing buddie.  How stylish I am in my bloomers.

Reese has his own favorite type of play with Grandma---From the stair landing, throw two or three balls down and watch Grandma run around trying to catch them.  He fakes me out too and will look one way and throw the other way.  I'm sure he's a star ball player in training.

What can I say?  I'm loving being a Grandma.


  1. you crack me up, mom! the kids adore you too. in the pic with your neighbor you look so much like maddie!

  2. you were the prettiest little girl. i just love your dresses!! and what a wonderful grandma you are. i'm impressed that you chase all those balls around. :)
