

Sunday, September 15, 2013


I always get a special feeling when the temperatures start dropping, the sun sets earlier, and the leaves begin to fall.  When I was a girl I always loved the beginning of the new school year, getting a new school bag (we didn't have backpacks), opening a fresh box of crayons (we didn't have markers), and sharpening my new pencils.  In those days things were a lot less complicated.  We never even dreamed that computers and phones would become so important in our lives.

Even as a little tot, I loved jumping in the fallen leaves.  They would provide hours of entertainment.
Kids used to play outdoors and make up their own games.  That's the way it was before TV and computers.  Here is my Dad as a little guy on a very antique tricycle.
Duane, who grew up in the same era as I did, remembers the old fashioned classrooms, and has fond memories of this Kindergarten class.  He is 2nd from the left in the front row with his favorite truck.  This class was in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin.
Another old fashioned classroom with Heather and Adam's Dad in the 3rd row, 2nd from the left wearing a V neck sweater.  This room was in McHenry, Illinois.
This is an old photo from the late 1920's or early 30's.  It is a gathering of girls, one of which is Heather and Adam's grandmother.  Groups or clubs usually started in the Fall of the year.  Pennants like the one in the background were used instead of signs showing the name of the organization.  Viola is standing next to the pennant (she never smiled for pictures.)
Loved those leaves!
But, at our house, nothing says Fall like the beginning of Duck Season.  He's Ready!


  1. The days are shorter---it was dark when I went to work this AM! Opening season here too----shooting this weekend. Wishing Duane luck! Char, you are such a cutie!

  2. fun post! non-smiling grandma just cracks me up. she was always a downer.
