

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Autumn Leaves

I grew up in Chicago, and huge oak, maple, hickory nut and other deciduous trees were plentiful there.
We had an oak tree in our backyard that must have been at least three feet in diameter.  We lived in what was called a 2-flat house with a full basement and attic, and the tree was easily taller than the house.  I don't remember exactly how old I was when they cut the tree down, but I do remember that it was a major undertaking.  I think one of the reasons for removing the tree may have been the amount of leaves that it shed each Fall.

Here I am at age two in the backyard after the leaves had started falling that year.  Kids would have a ball jumping up and down in the leaves.

Sometimes we would go to a Forest Preserve where we would find even more leaves that I could play in.  It almost felt like you were swimming in them.

The Forest Preserve was a great family outing and here I am with my parents enjoying the sunny Indian Summer weather.

Starting at a very young age I watched all of the Cowboy programs on TV like Hopalong Cassidy, Roy Rogers, Lone Ranger and Gene Autry.  At every opportunity I would jump onto a fence, or other structure pretending that it was a horse.

Once again at the Forest Preserve when I was a little older with my favorite dog, Lady.

Autumn has always been a special time for me, and I'll always remember romping in the leaves.

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